Monday, May 4, 2009

Peer-to-peer Networking

Peer-to-peer networking mainly involves a source of servers and clients. There are two types of networking. There’s P2P networking and then there’s server based networking. P2P is the most frequently used one involving servers and clients and server based just involves the server. In P2P, the application or the network that is doing the mainstreaming makes connections with other servers. The software used contains a “cross networking” protocol. Which is becoming a big controversy in the illegal use of P2P. Not all P2P networking is legal. Because of its illegal use of P2P, it’s causing a huge amount of businesses lost in revenue. Basically peer-to-peer offers a new way to share digital files from your home computer.

I have used peer-to-peer networking for personal usage. It makes it easy to download MP3 files or other audio and video files. Its becoming very big, but it also becoming harder to stop the sharing of file such as MP3’s. A lot of it is for the use of piracy.

The government should step in and try to take a better control of P2P pirating. The technology for peer-to-peer networking is making it easier to access applications or software to illegally download audio and video files. I know that many school campuses and Internet server providers are trying to make a better stop to P2P networking. The University of Delaware prohibits any use of P2P networking on main campus. And there are catching students illegally using peer-to-peer networking.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Typing Test & Tutorial

Typing Test

Net speed: 22 WPM

81% Accuracy

Gross Speed: 27 WPM

    The second time my typing speed and accuracy did improve by a little. I increased to 26 WPM with 84% accuracy. But I think this improvement is due to the fact that I was more familiar with the text and kind of knew what was expected. The Typing Test tutorial did not improve my typing skills in anyway.

    I choose a tutorial on Apple's iTunes. The URL link below takes you to a list of video and text-based tutorials on how to install, general usage of iTunes, and using the different features that iTunes provides. I will use the tutorial example of "Creating Playlist." This is a video tutorial on how to create a playlist in iTunes. In order to view the videos, make sure the latest QuickTime is installed. You must have QuickTime installed to view the video. But Apple also provides text-based tutorial. They are more text-based tutorials then videos provided.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Web-Based Storage

    For a Web-Based storage site that I found in particular was "Ripway". URL: . Ripway is an online Web-Based storage site, which holds 30MB of storage for your personal use. For storage on this site, the user does not have to pay a monthly or yearly fee. The storage is free in Ripway.

    There are many pro's about use Ripway storage site such as; you can store photos, MP3's, office documents, use PHP scripts, zip files, videos and many more. Another great aspect about Ripway is that you can access your personal files that you stored anywhere around the world, as long as you are under any web browser or FTP software. Also, many storage sites, there are usage fees, but with Ripway there are no fee's AT ALL.

You can also make a Blog with this site as well as build your own Website. When using Ripway, you can share files with co-workers and even friends and family. You will be able to easily organize your files and also place them under sub-files. Some other great features include no ad banners and unlimited access to your account.

Unfortunately, there may always be some cons even if the Web-Based storage sounds great. One thing that Ripway did not mention in there intro or anywhere on the site is the fact that, your files may not be guaranteed if Ripway's server crashes or your account has been lost. Also under the link to their "Privacy Statement", it takes you to an invalid link or that it is no longer available. These facts can easily change an opinion about a storage site, so look for the facts when researching for a Web-Based storage site.

Mark Deptula

Monday, March 2, 2009

Computer-Oriented Society

I believe the greatest rick in a computer-oriented society will have to be the issue on "Security". The biggest risks with our computer today is being infected by a computer virus. Computer viruses are to change the way our computer operates. These computer viruses can be attached in many different programs such as; downloads from the internet. But a computer virus can also get into our PC system by emails attachments. Thats why they say to never open up an email that does not look unfamiliar.

Other Security risks that are becoming a problem is "identity theft". It is mainly when someone obtains your identity and uses it to purchase materials. Identities can be stolen online or even offline. They can still your identity from online databases or even from computer viruses. Other forms of identity theft can be know as "Phishing". When identity thieves send fraudulent emails to obtain your social security and other identity information. A good way to prevent any security problems is to purchase a AntiVirus to protect you and your PC with an security risks.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Web Searching

I used Yahoo when I researched my topic. For my topic I searched Volvo Ocean Race and received 1,440,000 hits in .20 seconds. The first hit was a .org link to the Volvo Ocean Race 2008-2009 web site:

To reduce the number of hits under Yahoo, I would use Advance Search next to the search bar to further reduce my search. In the Exact Phrase search, I would type in "Volvo Ocean Race 2008-2009" because I want the words in that phrase to appear together. This would take me to specific information about the exact phrase I used. This is where I found more information about that exact race, with also news and facts on it.

I may also look up pages that are similar to the URL of the website that I liked and found the most useful. This took me to hits that are linked to the web page that I found useful. From there I found greater information on the similar topic.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I' am 19 years old and a freshman at the University of Delaware. I'm the youngest child in my family with one older brother named Ted. My activity of interest are Triathlons, Sailing, and surfing. My future plans are to attend the United States Coast Guard Academy. This is my second time applying and hope to get an appointment as a freshman for this upcoming year.